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Chance Encounter - Related Tracks


14 tracks, not registered with a PRO
16 tracks, registered with a PRO

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25. Motley Moon Jester 03:22

Mix of a rap-like vocal overlay and orchestral motifs...intense… the lyrics totally fit the dark, prophetic mood... unique in that the driving force (aside from the voice) is not a drum beat but an orchestral arrangement... has a strong taste of dark medieval times.

Motley Moon Jester
26. Jesus Christ 03:10

Big Ominous Greek church Choir opens up solemnly singing Jesus Christi, leading in to an Indian Male vocalist paying homage supported by Angelic female choir, Swirling Harp, Strings and a light Ambient Drum pad helping it all to faithfully cruise along in a very mellow way until taking a turn to reach a dramatic end

Jesus Christ
27. Hosana 03:06

Deep Unearthly Roaring opens up to a Religious Intro by a church Choir singing hallelujah until Ambient Drums commence a steady, almost groovy beat leading into a slightly syncopated chorus with the church choir singing Hosana repeatedly on top, almost in the fashion of a mainstream pop song

14 tracks, not registered with a PRO
16 tracks, registered with a PRO