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Ping Pong Penny - Related Tracks


5 tracks, not registered with a PRO
11 tracks, registered with a PRO

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6. Aurora Polaris 08:10

Dynamic, melodic and spacey synth-rock. This track is more than 8 minutes long and goes through various different sections throughout. Uses elements of electronica, ambient, rock and progressive music to create an exciting space journey.

Aurora Polaris
10. Mindbender 05:04

Sinister, disturbing track full of malevolence and high tension. Trancey bass and drums begin to creep towards you with evil intent....and just when you think they have shown you mercy, they pounce and devour you. Reminiscent of Massive Attack. Contains, guitars, synths, bass and drums.

11. device 03:44

Begins with a hypnotic synth bass hook and drum hook. As electric piano comes in, it slowly builds and eventually flowers into a lovely mellow pop chorus. Once the beat gets to you, it is mesmerizing. Contains synth, drum units, electric piano, bell chimes and grand piano.

5 tracks, not registered with a PRO
11 tracks, registered with a PRO