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Wishes & Bows - Related Tracks


11 tracks, not registered with a PRO
11 tracks, registered with a PRO

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A middle eastern, Arabian sounding, epic, highly dramatic piece, featuring eastern chant vocals, large drums and percussion section, strings, choir and other ethnic instruments. After a foreboding, tense opening section, the main percussion and chant part comes in at about 52 seconds into the track.

Gateway of the Gods
22. Brave Hearts 02:49

Magical, Irish-flavoured music... could be the high point of a film that transports the audience to feelings of absolute bliss... starts with the bagpipe playing a complex melody over an ominous background. Then it breaks through into a beautiful arrangement of strings and percussion. Finally it pushes the listener to the mountain top with the addition of the female vocals, which lifts you into a realm of beauty and emotion with soaring feelings of ecstasy.

Brave Hearts
11 tracks, not registered with a PRO
11 tracks, registered with a PRO