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Zeitreise 2 - Related Tracks


50 tracks, not registered with a PRO
0 tracks, registered with a PRO

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10. Fairyland 3 (Mix) 08:02

In this fairy-tale world it's going to be proper and electronically. Groove with garlands of sparkling small pads and synths running in the background, the basis for the flight of the little elves. The extended mix.

Fairyland 3 (Mix) - Completely Royalty Free Music
11. Fairyland 3 05:55

This fairy-tale world is lively and electronic. A groove with garlands of sparkling little pads and synths in the background, provide the basis for the flight of the little elves.

Fairyland 3 - Completely Royalty Free Music
14. Phantom (Mix) 08:06

This phantom has slit eyes and moves like a cat through the night, casually intoned, sparingly orchestrated, so a tight, harmonious atmosphere is created with a melodramatic structure, chilling allowed

Phantom (Mix) - Completely Royalty Free Music
17. Ruhetag 2 03:01

Quiet synth-pop on "... and on the seventh day was all announced well and everybody should chill." Different key, different structure, but the same sentiment as the original

Ruhetag 2 - Completely Royalty Free Music
20. Hypertronic 03:55

Spaceship melody for my 5 o'clock tea on level 7 b with captain Kork with production music. Roy, ahoy! Melodía de la nave espacial para mi té de las 5 en punto en el nivel 7b con el capitán Kork con música de producción. ¡Roy, a la vista! Mélodie du vaisseau spatial pour mon thé de 5 heures au niveau 7b avec le capitaine Kork avec musique de production. Roy, en vue !

Hypertronic - Completely Royalty Free Music
50 tracks, not registered with a PRO
0 tracks, registered with a PRO