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Browse through the Proud Music Library by different categories:

On this page you find various options to browse through the Proud Music Library. The tag cloud displayed below after choosing a category offers you an overview on the stylistic focuses of our library. The bigger a genre is displayed the more tracks it contains. It may be advisable to narrow down your search in the search engine with more attributs, if you are searching tracks from these styles.



Tag: 1


1001 1001 nights 12-bar-blues 127 bpm halftime 1492 15s 1600 1700 1800s 1805 1860 1860 french music box with hidden bells 1860 nicole freres grand format music box 1870 1870 swiss mandolin music box 1870 swiss music box 1880 1880 forte music box 1880 music box with bells 1880 paillard expressive music box 1880 swiss music box 1890 1890 swiss station box with drums 1890 swiss station music box with drums century 1900 1900 swiss mira music box 1900's 1905 1905 regina music box 1920 1920's 1920s 1920s style 1930 1930's 1930s 1930s style 1940s 1940s style 1950 1950's 1950s 1950s style 1960 1960's 1960s 1960s style 1969's 1970 1970's 1970ies 1970s 1970s style 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1980's 1980s 1980s music 1980s style 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1990s 1990’s 19th century