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Advantages of buying royalty free music from the Proud Music Library

* absolute certainty: You have to know for sure, whether track suits your needs - in advance. We agree! So: no short clips in lowfi-quality! Instead we offer full access to our content database. You listen to exactly what you get in its entirety - absolute certainty!

* Buy only the tracks you need right now: In many cases its no use, having to subscribe to cd series, with only a limited percentage of material suitable for your products. We agree! That's why we offer you the possibility to license single tracks on convenient terms exactly at the time you or your customers need music.

* Great Value: High quality tracks with soul, no lifeless standards. We sound different. And still a bargain price from 50 € per track. Proud Music offers quality, choice and convenience with optimal cost/performance ratio. First class music accessable with little effort for a single low fee.
In a presentation its the over-all impression that counts, including sound. Why don't you use our tracks for the matching emotions in an agency pitch - with simple handling.

* direct online delivery: All tracks are delivered digitally via email straight to you. Through the online music database both we and you have an efficient and cost-saving way to search, preview and deliver, and this enables us, to hand through all advantages to you. No handling fees, shipping costs or other added costs. You don't have to wait for snail mail. Quality music in short time without detours right onto your desktop. Why don't you surprise your customers with a coherent presentation they hadn't expected this fast.

* constant updates: Proud Music updates the musical content permanently. We hope, that you come back regularly - and we are sure, that you will be successful with our new releases.
Proud Music listens to your. Due to our consequent online focus, we can react quickly to your wishes. You're missing a style in the library? Don't hesistate to contact us! music to be proud of is our slogan!