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Use our efficient tools in your music research:

Search engine:
The search engine provides the most diverse parameters to narrow down your search for advanced library users. We suggest to start with only two or three requirements specificied and listen to the search results before adding further fields in the next steps.

Find related tracks button:
Based on the currently selected track, our library is automatically searched for related tracks and alternative suggestions. We recommend using this unique tool repeatedly to greatly shorten the time needed to find matching tracks.

Charts/New tracks:
There are two overview pages: The new tracks page helps you to keep up to date with the latest additions to our content if you are already familiar with the library. The charts page displays the currently bestselling tracks - but please do keep in mind that the intended uses of our clients vary greatly.

Consulting through Proud Music:
You also have the option of contacting us. We will provide suggestions matching your briefing without obligation.