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Maba De Lanay (Without Drums) - Related Tracks


7 tracks, not registered with a PRO
12 tracks, registered with a PRO

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8. African Fields 08:30

african soundtrack piece which goes through many different stages throughout it's duration -- from the floating to the rhythmic, from light to dark, from sparse to dense, from the tribal and percussive to the ethereal with drones. There are many different cues in this piece, all contributing to a highly useable African soundscape.

African Fields

A middle eastern, Arabian sounding, epic, highly dramatic piece, featuring eastern chant vocals, large drums and percussion section, strings, choir and other ethnic instruments. After a foreboding, tense opening section, the main percussion and chant part comes in at about 52 seconds into the track.

Gateway of the Gods
7 tracks, not registered with a PRO
12 tracks, registered with a PRO