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Radio Play; Comedy 9/26

Radio Play; Comedy


9 >] of 26
106 tracks, not registered with a PRO
527 tracks, registered with a PRO

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201. Childrens Play 00:22

Bells play and frolic in a joyful, innocent style as woodblocks tap out a bouncy rhythm. This short children's track would be great as an opening or closing theme for a project, or just for providing some fun, light relief in any soundtrack.

Childrens Play
211. Round and About 02:40

Quaint and fun piece with acoustic guitar, spoons, accordion and soprano sax, later piano. Playful melody, happy and joyful but not too over-the-top. Whimsical and optimistic. The track grows bigger and brasher as it goes along, and develops into a circus-act or other fun event.

Round and About
106 tracks, not registered with a PRO
527 tracks, registered with a PRO
9 >] of 26