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Violin 1/24

The violin lies on the left side on the shoulder and chest of the violinist and is held by the left edge of the lower jaw. The left hand is used both to support the instrument and to grasp the strings. The right hand holds the bow which is used to strike the strings between the fingerboard and the bridge. The volume and sound of the violin depend on the pressure and speed with which the bow is struck over the strings.

Due to the surface structure of the horsehair and the application of colophony, the bow has a high adhesive force due to the static friction. When the bow is applied to the string, it is therefore first deflected in the direction of the stroke until the restoring force of the string is greater than the static friction between the bow cover and the string: the string returns against the direction of the stroke. If the correct stroke position, stroke speed and bow pressure are selected, the string is picked up again by the bow at the end of this movement and taken along again (stick-slip effect), the string vibrates constantly. How many times per second this process is repeated depends on the frequency of the tone played or the effective string length. The deflection of the excited part of the string describes an elliptical path over time, with the longer axis oriented approximately in the direction of the line.

Music recordings are also regularly produced that use a violin as a melodic element and are used in computer games. For example, in Ubisoft's computer game "Assassin's Creed Syndicate" from 2015, a background score with a violin as solo instrument is heard at irregular intervals.

In the playlist below you will find music tracks from our music catalogue for royalty-free Production Music or Stock Music with the keyword "violin", which can be licensed directly online via the Proud Music Library as background music for ads, computer games, commercials, TV, films and videos. It is also possible to download mp3 files in reduced quality for free to present them internally. Use is only permitted after the purchase of a license. If you have any questions regarding licensing, please contact us by phone at ++49 (0)6132 43 088 30 or by email at [email protected].

The songs on this page may NOT be used without a license. Please purchase a license according to the intended use! Thank you very much! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


1 >] of 24
273 tracks, not registered with a PRO
305 tracks, registered with a PRO

Waveform will be available soon!


All rights reserved. No usage without prior licensing. Please be fair. Thank you!

A bombastic and majestic track cleverly created by combining samples with live orchestra and live choir recordings. Dramatic, staccato strings and brass sections lead the way into a powerful and intense trailer track with a thunderous percussion section. Growing to a crescendo and eventually into a climax. Highly suitable for fantasy, scifi, gearing up for war or battle, hard sports or high impact action footage, and more.

The Hour Of Reckoning
273 tracks, not registered with a PRO
305 tracks, registered with a PRO
1 >] of 24

El violín se encuentra en el lado izquierdo del hombro y pecho del violinista y se sujeta por el borde izquierdo de la mandíbula inferior. La mano izquierda se utiliza tanto para sostener el instrumento como para agarrar las cuerdas. La mano derecha sostiene el arco que se utiliza para golpear las cuerdas entre el diapasón y el puente. El volumen y el sonido del violín dependen de la presión y la velocidad con la que se golpea el arco sobre las cuerdas.

Debido a la estructura superficial de la crin y a la aplicación de colofonia, el arco tiene una alta fuerza adhesiva debido a la fricción estática. Cuando el arco se aplica a la cuerda, se desvía primero en la dirección de la carrera hasta que la fuerza de restauración de la cuerda es mayor que la fricción estática entre la tapa de la cuerda y la cuerda: la cuerda vuelve en contra de la dirección de la carrera. Si se selecciona la posición correcta de carrera, la velocidad de carrera y la presión de la proa, la cuerda es recogida de nuevo por la proa al final de este movimiento y llevada de nuevo (efecto stick-slip), la cuerda vibra constantemente. El número de veces por segundo que se repite este proceso depende de la frecuencia del tono tocado o de la duración efectiva de la cuerda. La desviación de la parte excitada de la cuerda describe una trayectoria elíptica en el tiempo, con el eje más largo orientado aproximadamente en la dirección de la línea.

[email protected].

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