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0 tracks, not registered with a PRO
53 tracks, registered with a PRO

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10. Ang Kahora 06:12

Take equal measures of electronica and downtempo hip-hop, add a slight element of contemporary african pop, and you end up with this catchy and groovy chillout track featuring hip-hop style drums, electronica style synth arpeggios and African flavored marimbas.

Ang Kahora
25. Brass Transit 02:39

Upbeat, smooth pop rock-jazz track that oozes a cool retro 70’s vibe with contrasting sections that dynamically transition from sparse to full instrumentation. Great for seventies flashback dramas, heist movies, crime capers, cop/detective shows and more.

Brass Transit
0 tracks, not registered with a PRO
53 tracks, registered with a PRO
1 of 3