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Background Music 1/2

What is background music?

Background music is unobtrusive music that normally remains in the background of attention for its listeners. As "atmospheric music" or „Easy-Listening music“ it usually provides a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere and can, within a certain performance framework, stimulate activities that are not directly related to this music. In contrast, foreground music demands the listener's attention.

Background music is mostly used in environments accessible to the public and as a component of films and other audiovisual productions. The term muzak is also used for background music in department stores and shopping centres - also known as royalty-free department store music - as well as in elevators, restaurants, hotels, airports and similar environments.

Certain musical genres such as smooth jazz or popular classical music are well suited for use as background music. Instrumental music is often preferred because it is assumed that human voices and sung lyrics attract too much attention. Ambient and lounge music also lack vocal elements or spoken lyrics. For example, Brian Eno composed ambient music for airports, which he wanted to distinguish from commercial music (see Ambient 1: Music for Airports). The effect of background music is controversial in music psychology because it is difficult to objectify.

Background music for film, movie, TV and radio ads, hotels, airports, super mals, restaurants and more

On this site you will find all our background music tracks that we have tagged with "Background music" in our royalty-free Production Music Library. This overview changes from day to day. You can download royalty-free background music for free, but only for introducing the track to your customer or to test it on your project / film. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED! For questions please contact us by email to [email protected]. You find hundreds of blog posts on various issues around the topic of music licensing in our blog.

Is background music for free?

Nope, the background music of the Proud Music Library is Production Music and an inexpensive alternative to the use of popular music in an production, e.g. music that is known through music charts. The use of well-known music titles is generally costly, as the publishers or authors are willing to pay for the rights of use due to their popularity. In some cases, rights holders do not release music catalogues at all.


1 of 2
14 tracks, not registered with a PRO
31 tracks, registered with a PRO

Waveform will be available soon!


All rights reserved. No usage without prior licensing. Please be fair. Thank you!

17. Sunshine States 02:06

Bright and joyful pop/rock groove with acoustic guitars, subtle bass and drums. A tight and punchy beat, but also restrained and friendly. There is also an alternative version with a playful synth melody line added over the groove, giving the track a more colourful, bouncy, children's music feel.

Sunshine States
14 tracks, not registered with a PRO
31 tracks, registered with a PRO
1 of 2

In the playlist above you will find music titles from our music catalogue for royalty-free production music or stock music with the keyword "Background Music ", which can be licensed directly online via the Proud Music Library as background music for TV, films and videos. It is also possible to download mp3 files in reduced quality for free and present them internally. Use is only permitted after the purchase of a license. If you have any questions regarding licensing, please contact us by phone at ++49 (0)6132 43 088 30 or by e-mail at [email protected].

The songs on this page may NOT be used without a license. Please buy a license according to the intended use!

Background music para películas, películas, anuncios de radio y televisión, hoteles, aeropuertos, super mals, restaurantes y más

En este sitio encontrará todas las pistas de Background music que tenemos en nuestra Production Music Library. Esta visión general cambia día a día. Puede descargar royalty-free background music, pero sólo para presentar la canción a su cliente o para probarla en su proyecto/película. TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS! Si tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con nosotros por correo electrónico a [email protected] En nuestro blog encontrará cientos de artículos sobre diversos temas relacionados con el tema de las licencias de música.

Nuestra Background music es la Production Music y una alternativa económica al uso de música popular en una producción, por ejemplo, la música que se conoce a través de las listas de éxitos musicales. El uso de títulos musicales conocidos es generalmente costoso, ya que los editores o autores están dispuestos a pagar por los derechos de uso debido a su popularidad. En algunos casos, los titulares de los derechos no publican ningún catálogo de música.

Background music pour les films, les films, les publicités radio et télévision, les hôtels, les aéroports, les super-mals, les restaurants et plus encore

Dans ce site vous trouverez toutes les pistes de Background music que nous avons dans notre Production Music Library. Cette vue d'ensemble change jour après jour. Vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement de la royalty-free background music, mais seulement pour présenter la chanson à votre client ou la tester sur votre projet ou film. TOUS DROITS RÉSERVÉS ! Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter par courriel à [email protected] Dans notre blog, vous trouverez des centaines d'articles sur divers sujets en rapport avec le thème des licences musicales.

Notre Background music est la Production Music et une alternative économique à l'utilisation de la musique populaire dans une production, par exemple, la musique qui est connue à travers les palmarès musicaux. L'utilisation de titres musicaux connus est généralement coûteuse, car les éditeurs ou les auteurs sont prêts à payer pour les droits d'utilisation en raison de leur popularité. Dans certains cas, les titulaires de droits ne publient pas de catalogues musicaux.

Background music para filmes, filmes, comerciais de rádio e televisão, hotéis, aeroportos, super mals, restaurantes e mais

Neste site você encontrará todas as faixas de Background music que temos em nossa Production Music Library. Essa síntese muda de dia para dia. Você pode baixar royalty-free background music gratuitamente, mas apenas para apresentar a música ao seu cliente ou testá-la em seu projeto/filme. TODOS OS DIREITOS RESERVADOS! Se tiver alguma dúvida, por favor contacte-nos por e-mail para [email protected] No nosso blog encontrará centenas de artigos sobre vários tópicos relacionados com o tema do licenciamento de música.

Nossa royalty-free background music é a Production Music e uma alternativa econômica para o uso da música popular em uma produção, por exemplo, a música que é conhecida através de gráficos musicais. O uso de títulos de música conhecidos é geralmente caro, como editores ou autores estão dispostos a pagar pelos direitos de uso devido à sua popularidade. Em alguns casos, os titulares de direitos não publicam catálogos de música.

Musica di sottofondo per film, film, spot radiofonici e televisivi, hotel, aeroporti, super mals, ristoranti e altro ancora

A questo sito troverete tutti i brani di royalty-free background music che abbiamo nella nostra Production Music Library. Questa sintesi cambia di giorno in giorno. Puoi scaricare gratuitamente royalty-free background music, ma solo per presentare la musica al tuo cliente o testarla sul tuo progetto/film. TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI! Se avete domande, contattateci via e-mail all'indirizzo [email protected] Nel nostro blog troverete centinaia di articoli su vari argomenti legati al tema delle licenze musicali.

La nostra background music royalty-free è Production Music e un'alternativa economica all'uso della musica popolare in una produzione, ad esempio, musica conosciuta attraverso la grafica musicale. L'uso di titoli musicali noti è solitamente costoso, in quanto gli editori o gli autori sono disposti a pagare per i diritti d'uso a causa della loro popolarità. In alcuni casi, i titolari dei diritti non pubblicano cataloghi musicali.