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Hot Tracks 12/20

You can use this page to listen to the hottest 500 tracks at the moment. The order changes daily to give you an up to date impression on what is hot on the platform. So this page is much more dynamic than the All-Time-Charts that are also available.


500 Tracks

[< 12 of 20
311 tracks, not registered with a PRO
189 tracks, registered with a PRO

Waveform will be available soon!


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277. Calm Spaces 02:20

Melodic, slowly soaring piece that brings a feeling of vast mountains or fields. Inspirational and majestic, reminescent of the sound of Vangelis. Also good for underwater and nature footage.

Calm Spaces - Completely Royalty Free Music
283. Sweet Memories 02:22

Sensitive, romantic piano music with a melancholic yet hopeful mood. Calm and emotional background music, perfect for landscape shots, documentary and seasons in general.

Sweet Memories  - Completely Royalty Free Music
311 tracks, not registered with a PRO
189 tracks, registered with a PRO
[< 12 of 20