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Hot Tracks 3/20

You can use this page to listen to the hottest 500 tracks at the moment. The order changes daily to give you an up to date impression on what is hot on the platform. So this page is much more dynamic than the All-Time-Charts that are also available.


500 Tracks

3 >] of 20
311 tracks, not registered with a PRO
189 tracks, registered with a PRO

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65. Mountain Lake 03:05

Lyrical recorder & cello in a Clannad and Enya tinged piece. The track starts off with a soft Celtic music theme. After about 1 min 15 seconds it changes pace into a jolly forest dance, and then returns to the longing opening theme, before closing with Enya-like voice textures.

Mountain Lake
70. Freedom 06:25

Gymnopedie No.2 has an aura of sombreness about it. 'Lent et triste', (slow and sad), is the instruction to the player. Very atmospheric with a feeling of calm resignation. Huge amounts of space in the composition for thoughtful reflection.

Satie - Gymnopedie No.2 - Completely Royalty Free Music
311 tracks, not registered with a PRO
189 tracks, registered with a PRO
3 >] of 20