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Hot Tracks 19/20

You can use this page to listen to the hottest 500 tracks at the moment. The order changes daily to give you an up to date impression on what is hot on the platform. So this page is much more dynamic than the All-Time-Charts that are also available.


500 Tracks

[< 19 of 20
311 tracks, not registered with a PRO
189 tracks, registered with a PRO

Waveform will be available soon!


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A somewhat celtic sounding folk dance tune, Reminescent of medieval ages / middle ages, perhaps a gathering at the local inn, or just the musical backdrop to a historical / fantasy world, Think "Ye Olde Barrel", old England, Ireland or Scotland, Could also be a Pirates' drinking song,

Crooked Corsair Inn (No Percussion Version)
470. crystalline 02:50

Imagine being a goldfish in a bowl and staring out at the big wide world. Acoustic guitar harmonics start this hypnotic track, a simple marimba melody enters, then different drums join in and strings enter in a ghostly fashion. The tune builds and entrances you as it marches on. Contains acoustic guitar, chromatic wooden percussion, strings and bass drum pulses.


A Hot Club of France style jazzy piece where the first 30 seconds are in jazzy ballad style, and then the tempo picks up with acoustic riffing on the 8ths. Charming, warm and irresistable. The underscore and the shorter versions omit the ballad opening and go straight to the main part.

Paris St Germain (Underscore Version)
311 tracks, not registered with a PRO
189 tracks, registered with a PRO
[< 19 of 20