Production Music (français)

Il existe différents types de produits médicaux : film d’images, spot viral, spot TV (classique), mais aussi films, pièces radiophoniques et bien plus encore. Quiconque a besoin de musique pour la réalisation de ces produits a le choix. Vous pouvez opter pour une production musicale avec un studio équipé et un réseau correspondant de musiciens de studio et de studio. Vous pourrez y composer de la musique en fonction de votre projet et la faire produire. En règle générale, des studios d’enregistrement professionnels sont à votre disposition pour vous conseiller et vous aider à trouver le bon son. Avantage : Les droits d’utilisation des enregistrements sonores sont généralement accordés de manière extensive, c’est-à-dire aussi exclusivement.

Production music, stock music, archive music
Instrumental rock music for commercials (Radio, TV, cinema, Point-of-sale)

En tant que producteur audiovisuel, vous pouvez également tenter votre chance dans la production musicale.

1. Production Music OU PRODUIRE DE LA MUSIQUE ?

Production Music (musique de production) est le terme utilisé pour décrire les enregistrements musicaux terminés. Ils sont créés pour les clients de la production médiatique qui sont, par exemple :

Agences de publicité

productions télévisuelles

couteaux indépendants

Producteurs A/V

Concepteur de médias

chaînes de télévision privées et publiques (Arte, Canal+, France 2, RTL, Euronews,…)

Stations de radio et opérateurs de cinéma




Entraîneurs de méditation

Les principaux domaines d’application sont : les films d’images, les clips publicitaires, les films de foire ou industriels, les infopublicités, les publicités virales, les longs métrages, les films de cinéma, les films Youtube (maintenant let’s play video), ou les séries télévisées. La musique préproduite est gérée dans des bibliothèques musicales appelées Production Music Library et offerte en ligne pour l’octroi de licences directes.

Production Music und GEMAfreie Musik für Industrie-, Werbe- und Imagefilme

2. LA Production Music EST DE LA “PRe-cleared Music”

Contrairement à une œuvre musicale artistique en général, la Production Music (musique de production) conçue dès le début pour être utilisée dans des productions audiovisuelles. Par conséquent, une grande partie des droits et des œuvres sous licence nécessaires peuvent être clarifiés au préalable par l’éditeur de musique et ses concédants (par exemple, les compositeurs). Ainsi, dans la plupart des cas, une redevance est fixée pour les différents types d’utilisation, de sorte qu’une clarification complète, généralement coûteuse et lente des droits n’est pas nécessaire.

La Production Music est proposée par la Production Music Library, c’est-à-dire des éditeurs de musique qui sont principalement considérés comme des fournisseurs de l’industrie des médias. Par conséquent, Proud Music Library Publishing a utilisé un moteur de recherche pour indexer largement son programme de publication, en particulier pour l’industrie des médias, et l’a rendu facilement accessible en ligne.


Tous les types de musique ne conviennent pas à une utilisation dans les productions, par exemple, les titres à fortes fluctuations dynamiques, les titres à fort contenu vocal ou les titres qui exigent toute l’attention de l’auditeur. Production Music est sélectionnée en fonction des besoins des producteurs de médias ou est spécialement composée pour eux.

Par conséquent, avec la bibliothèque de musique Proud Music Library, vous pouvez rechercher spécifiquement l’humeur, le caractère, l’instrumentation ou le tempo, en fonction du type de musique que votre production actuelle attend. Un terme contraire à la musique de production selon cette définition serait “Répertoire de l’artiste”. Plus d’informations….

Recherchez maintenant Production Music, entrez simplement le terme de recherche :


A cosa serve la licenza di “Online Advertising”?


Al momento stiamo vivendo una nuova era nella produzione musicale. Vent’anni fa, la pre-licenza aveva il suo mercato principale nella fornitura di musica per spot pubblicitari trasmessi quasi esclusivamente in televisione o al cinema.


Oggi, negli ultimi anni, l’attenzione si è spostata drasticamente verso l’uso online. Sono escluse le missioni commerciali di breve durata, come le missioni pre, medie o post-roll. Soprattutto i video virali costituiscono la parte più importante in questo caso. Il content marketing sotto forma di piccoli video clip ha ancora bisogno (per fortuna, 😉 di musica come importante elemento di sottofondo.


Pertanto, abbiamo sviluppato la licenza “Online Advertising”, che consente i seguenti usi:

– Utilizzo di una canzone in un (1) Social Media Video

– Tempo illimitato in tutto il mondo

– Si applica a tutte le piattaforme di Social Media, inclusi Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Vimeo, ecc.

– Naturalmente, non esclude il sito web stesso.

La presente licenza non copre solo usi aggiuntivi (ad esempio, pubblicità sui canali come post-, mid- o pre-rolls) o infomercials.

production music

Archive music también se conoce como stock music o production music.

Inizia la ricerca direttamente qui:


Para que serve a licença ‘Online advertising’?

Production Music – mais importante do que nunca

No momento estamos vivendo uma nova era na produção musical. Vinte anos atrás, o pré-licenciamento tinha seu principal mercado no fornecimento de música para comerciais transmitidos quase exclusivamente na televisão ou no cinema.

A mudança imparável

Hoje, o foco mudou drasticamente para o uso online nos últimos anos. Isso não inclui missões comerciais curtas, tais como pré, médias ou pós-colheitas. Especialmente os vídeos virais constituem a maior parte aqui. O marketing de conteúdo na forma de pequenos videoclipes ainda precisa (felizmente, 😉 de música como um elemento de fundo importante.

A licença de ‘Online advertising’ permite que todos possam

Por isso, desenvolvemos a licença ‘Online advertising’, que permite as seguintes utilizações:

– Usando uma Música em um (1) Vídeo de Social Media

– Tempo ilimitado em todo o mundo

– Aplica-se a todas as plataformas de Social Media, incluindo Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Vimeo, etc.

– Naturalmente, não exclui o próprio site.

Somente usos adicionais (por exemplo, publicidade em canais, como pós, meados ou pré-rolos) ou infomercials não são cobertos por esta licença.

production music

Comece a procurar directamente aqui:


¿Para qué sirve la licencia “Online Advertising”?

Production Music – más importante que nunca

En estos momentos estamos viviendo una nueva era en la producción musical. Hace veinte años, las licencias previas tenían su principal mercado en el suministro de música para comerciales emitidos casi exclusivamente en televisión o en el cine.

El cambio imparable

Hoy en día, el enfoque se ha desplazado dramáticamente hacia el uso en línea en los últimos años. Esto no incluye las misiones en comerciales cortos, tales como pre, medio o post-rolls. Especialmente los videos virales constituyen la mayor parte aquí. El marketing de contenidos (Content marketing) en forma de pequeños videoclips sigue necesitando (afortunadamente, ;-)) música como elemento de fondo importante.

La licencia ‘Online advertising’ hace posible que todo el mundo

Por lo tanto, hemos desarrollado la licencia “Online Advertising”, que permite los siguientes usos:

– Uso de una canción en un (1) video de medios sociales (Social Media)

– Tiempo ilimitado en todo el mundo

– Se aplica a todas las plataformas de Social Media, incluyendo Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Vimeo, etc.

– Por supuesto, no se excluye el propio sitio web.

Sólo los usos adicionales (p. ej., la publicidad en el canal como post-, mid-, o pre-rolls) o infomerciales no están cubiertos por esta licencia.

production music

Archive music también se conoce como stock music o production music.

What is the “Online Advertising” license for?

Production Music – more important than ever

At the moment we are experiencing a whole new era in Production Music. Twenty years ago, pre-cleared licenses had their main market in providing music for commercials broadcast almost exclusively on TV or in the cinema.


The unstoppable change

Today, the focus has shifted dramatically to online usage in recent years. This does not include missions in short commercials, such as pre-, mid- or post-rolls. Especially viral videos make up the bulk here. Content marketing in the form of small video clips still needs (fortunately, ;-)) music as a important background element.


The license ‘Online advertising’ makes it possible for everyone

Therefore, we have developed the license ‘Online Advertising’, which allows the following uses:

  • Use of a song in one (1) social media video
  • Unlimited Time, wordwide
  • Applies to all social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Vimeo, etc.
  • The own website is of course not excluded.

Only additional uses (e.g., in-stream advertising as post-, mid-, or pre-rolls) or infomercials are not covered by this license.


production music
archive music is also known as production music

Archive music is also known as stock music or production music. For further questions on the subject it is best if you write us at [email protected].

Proud Music Library Youtube Channel

Proud Music is excited to announce the creation of its Youtube channel:!  There, you will find links to commercial spots, image and commercial films, as well as product videos, among many, which were created with music from the Proud Music Library. Visit the site to find out which music titles were used, and who the composers of said titles are. If you are trying to make a decision about which title to purchase, the videos available on our Youtube channel might help you determine what would work best. We will continue to increase our video availability, which you may also access through our Facebook page. Enjoy!

Proud Music Library
Proud Music Library on Youtube!


May I show an Image Film at a fair with a standard license and at the same time present it on its own website?

Yes. The standard license is tied to the use. Under use we differentiate – except for the limit of 1000 copies – the type of use, and not volume. That means that if the music is inserted in a Image Film, it does not matter whether the film is shown at a fair or streamed on the Internet, be it on its own website or that of a third party such as YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook.

It does make a difference, though, if the film is inserted with commercial purposes. In this context commercial means “to promote the sales of a product (good or service).” The corporate film does not usually have the sales of a product in mind, but rather serves to improve the image of the company. The fact that in this context of the film the company products can be shown is self-evident. But the film’s purpose is not commercial use, as for example, a TV spot. Image spots are an exception. An image spot is an Image Film in the style of a commercial spot, which serves primarily to strengthen a brand. The focus of an image spot is not the company itself; rather the brand is positively emotionally charged through the film/spot. The company’s products may be advertised better through the upload, since the brand already conveys a positive image.

What is the difference between an online advertising license and a standard license?

The standard license differs from an “Online Advertising” license in that it does not cover advertising use. The “Online Advertising” license is intended for this purpose, namely when it comes to combining a video with music and then uploading and publishing this video on online platforms such as Youtube, Vimeo or Facebook. Advertising is any measure taken to promote the sale of a product (good or service). For questions please send us an e-mail or simply call us at: +49 (0)6132 43 088 30.

Viral videos: an example created by Serviceplan

This video is an example of a viral video created by the advertising agency Serviceplan in Munich (Germany) for Pattex, a well-known glue produced by Henkel AG Co. & KGaA. The theme, composed and produced by Frank Herrlinger, is called “Loops of Fun”. You can find this and many other titles in the Proud Music Library.


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The above is an example of what we have come to know as a viral video. Although originally, the Internet was meant to be used as a scientific tool by the Pentagon and never as the source of communication as we know it (, it has become not only that, but also a vehicle for entertainment, information, and marketing, among other things. In the early to mid ‘90s, viral videos were those people sent as examples of bloopers or funny animations set to known songs like that of B.J. Thomas’ “Hooked on a Feeling” in “Dancing Baby” (also featured in Ally McBeal),  and their length was between 19 and 25 seconds long. Nowadays, many product and artist promotions are done through the creation of videos and are easily accessible to anyone through pages such as YouTube. One instant success that comes to mind is Susan Boyle’s appearance on Britain’s Got Talent in 2009 through the promotion of her video on that site. The Pattex advertisement video is clearly another example of the innumerable possibilities that the World Wide Web represents.


Ten film jest przykładem wideo stworzonego przez agencjÄ� reklamowÄ� Serviceplan w Monachium (Niemcy) dla Pattex, znanego kleju produkowanego przez Henkel AG Co. & KGaA. Temat, skomponowany i wyprodukowany przez Frank Herrlinger, nosi nazwÄ� “Loops of Fun”. Ten i wiele innych tytułów można znaleźÄ� w Proud Music Library.

Are the online usage rights included in your standard license?

Royalty-free Music and Production Music by Proud Music

Films underlaid with music licensed under the terms of the standard license, may also be put on the internet. Some examples would be the use of corporate films or product videos on the companies’ homepage. In addition, you may allow access to the film you produced via video platform such as YouTube, Google Video, and so on.. Although, this does not apply to online advertising, rather only to the use as indicated in the standard license.  In order to advertise online on your own website, you would need to register for the online advertising license. If you plan to advertise on video-sharing-websites you need an extended licence agreement.

Please contact us regarding this matter by phone: 06132-4308830 or via e-mail.You would then obtain from us all necessary rights for the online usage of music as specified in the standard license. This applies as well explicitly to IPTV, Mobile and IPTV Broadcast, that is to say, the use in Video on demand (VOD) offers.