What is Video On Demand (VOD)?

royalty-free music and production music by Proud Music Library Video On Demand (VOD) refers to the ability to be able to select a video online and watch it without the hassle of having to go to the video store and run the risk of finding that all copies have been checked out, and having to wait until one is returned. Several video rental companies offer the service, as is the case with Netflix, Inc. and VOD. In this manner, should a new release of the latest movie be announced to the public, Video On Demand (VOD) gives customers the confidence that they will have access to the blockbuster movie.

Are the online usage rights included in your standard license?

Royalty-free Music and Production Music by Proud Music

Films underlaid with music licensed under the terms of the standard license, may also be put on the internet. Some examples would be the use of corporate films or product videos on the companies’ homepage. In addition, you may allow access to the film you produced via video platform such as YouTube, Google Video, and so on.. Although, this does not apply to online advertising, rather only to the use as indicated in the standard license.  In order to advertise online on your own website, you would need to register for the online advertising license. If you plan to advertise on video-sharing-websites you need an extended licence agreement.

Please contact us regarding this matter by phone: 06132-4308830 or via e-mail.You would then obtain from us all necessary rights for the online usage of music as specified in the standard license. This applies as well explicitly to IPTV, Mobile and IPTV Broadcast, that is to say, the use in Video on demand (VOD) offers.