Proud Music Library update: 50 new tracks!

50 new royalty free production music in our Proud Music Library:

Sound of Africa, African Festival, Fugitive, Afrikaans 4, Animal, Elicottero, The Song of Baba, Multicultural Village, Lalalla’, Soundtrack , Transoceanic, New Dehli Nights, Kasbha Life, African Nostalgia, Afrikaans 3, Afrikaans 11, Tango de Maria, Horn, Camel’s Land, Shangai Surprise, Dakar Streets, Black Shadows, Mistery Islands, Afrikaans 2, Slitta, With Sounds Painted in the Eyes, Nocturne, New Bell Prize Astral, Sequoia Forest, Experiment, Voyager, White, future anthem, For my Love, Sweet Sensation, Deep Whispers, Fondo Blu, Lunar Phase, Reflections, Green, Sky Blue, Technical visions, Mysteri, Grey, Indian Sky, Aerea, The Sounds Painted in the Eyes, Black, Afrikaans, Arkaika, Squali 3, Mondi Possibili

Proud Music Library Update: 200 new production music tracks online !

200 new tracks online of the composers and producers Fabrizio Marioni, Vincenzo Ricca, Luca Brunetti, Fabrizio Martini, Ivano Icardi, Davide Rosenholz, Frank Herrlinger, Bjarne O., Livio Boccioni, Paolo Ferrario, Daniela Dessì, Massimiliano Lazzaretti, Marco Marrone, Michele Braga, Gennaro Becchimanzi, Antonio Bonazzo, Roberto Brasolin, Tommaso Pau, Aniello Coppola and Mario Capuani! To listen the new tracks please click on New Tracks.


Uncut film material Filmmaterial that is created by a video or a film production is called footage. This material is nevertheless often exploited on its own by producers through by means of footage archives, where unused film sequences can be licensed.

Television stations usually are interested in News and regional material, film productions need images for advertising spots, TV-Spots and also industrial films are interest in using stock footage.

A simple example: A company needs a tiger to run in the jungle, from left to right on the screen, for an advertising spot. There are prerecorded footage takes available for licensing, which already show  a tiger in the jungle.

Great News – the film production thus saves the costs to fly to India, stay for weeks in the jungle in order to finally get to see a tiger :-). Therefore it is often more advised to investigate, whether there is matching material in the footage archives, available for licensing.

The Proud Music library works according to a similar principle. This time it is no cinematic material but audio footage instead. In our online music database you can research a large number of music footage already produced and available for instant music licensing.

50 new tracks for licensing online

50 new royalty free production music in our Proud Music Library by the composers and producers Livio Boccioni, Marianna Cataldi, Silvano Martina, Paolo Ferrario, Ivano Icardi, et al..

The tracks:

Il protocollo Sabbia, Listening, A decision made easy, Hiring the death, Jamaica, Country Party, Soccer Manager, Indian, Speed Combat, Techno Kilt, Northern tales, Close your eyes, You can still decide, Encounters, Etnosax, Revelations, Sexagesimo Primero, Oasis, Eskalibur, Freezata Davina, Bom Bom Bom, The Red Bernie Experience , Tensotronic , Join , Eterea , Tennis, Sfera Space , Ac Trenno’, Morricone, Polifonico 1, Drop , Deep Dub, Sfera Scarna, Calypso, Eternity, Brief , Sfera Rock, Sfera Leggera, Robobit, Soundtrack , Bike , ‘A Tarantella, Transoceanic, Baby Raggae, Heaven, ‘A Livella, Zimbawe, Ipnotica , Sfera Ambient , Trip, Real Action , Hurry, Vivid Rock, Funkyscreen, Baby One, Panoramic, Droning West Dub, African Mood, Relaxation, Sfera Aliena , Sfera Bjork , Dynamic Guitar , Motorway Freedom , Soulsaver , Geronimo, Wrong Car, Brazil, Electrostory, Mountain, Japan Rendezvous, Like C64, Boom Bay, Working week (Underscore), Tempio.

You find more royalty free music on our page New Tracks, too.

Music Cue Sheet

Cue Sheets are forms submitted to royalty collecting societies with a detailed list of tracks used by a specific audiovisual production. If you have produced a film that is going to be broadcast, you have to fill out a cue sheet and submit it to the royalty collecting society of your country.

The most important list entries on a cue sheet are: track names, playing time of the track, composer and lyricist of the track. If you happen to know a work registration number or the ISWC (International Standard Work Code) or the ISRC (International Standard Record Code) please put in the field, as this helps to avoid mistakes, e.g. due to similar track names or similar composer names.

The royalty collecting society will then use your cue sheet to attribute royalties to the composer of the individual tracks, as most tv broadcast stations have a blanket license with the Royalty Collecting Society of their country. Therefore it is important, to fill out the cue sheet with the information provided by the music licenser. In our case, you’ll get all the information ready for copy&paste in our license document pdf.
Important: The TV stations pay the royalties anyway, this is no additional bill to you, you don’t gain anything by not submitting a cue sheet, only the composer’s won’t be credited their royalties – this is why we kindly ask you to fill out cue sheets.

What does the PRO label mean?

Proud Music Library Preview Downloads

Proud Music has two classes of tracks available for licensing:

1. Tracks, that are not registered with any Royalty Collecting Society or Performance Royalty Organisation (PRO).

These tracks are marked:

PRS: Completely Royalty-Free Music

For these tracks you do not need to submit a cue sheet – unlike other libraries of royalty free music on the net.

2. Tracks, that are registered with a Royalty Collecting Society.

These tracks are marked:

PRS: [Name of a Royalty Collecting Society]

PRS stands for: Performance Royalty Society/Organisation, i.e. the royalty collecting society, where the composer registered this work.

Please ask your client to submit a cue sheet to your Royalty Collecting Society. This is the same procedure with nearly all royalty free music you aquire on the net.